TTS20 on Safari

Monday, October 29, 2012

TTS Tweets—Week 8, TTS20

Twitter Poetry: The Literature and Composition class assignment came from this idea in The New York Times, write a poem in 140 characters. Here, every word should be essential and powerful.

Abby: Vast ocean crossed, people unlike myself, kissed by the sun for generations, opal sunset, sapphire night scape, best friends made, Mofu connected, all to be remembered, nine weeks gone.

McKinley: French class watching elephants. Yoga on the beach. Lit near Zebras. Math on the Moz-Zam border. #TIA #TTSinAfricatonight #howsclassintheus?

Payton: 14 girls all traveling together around south-east Africa. Some might think its a cat-fight every night but our experience is full of LOL's and F-U-N's.

Francesca: Lions, elephants, hippos. Literature of wars, rejoice and revolution. Walking through vines of lush, shae buttered sand and teal waves. Africa.

Megan S.: An adventure full of blazing sun and savanna, diverse wildlife, Mozambican coastline, meeting and learning from history rich locals all while building friendships in Africa!

Brooklyn: Sun-kissed skin, laughing eyes and tired bodies. Sometimes I forget I'm in school, but other times I forget I'm in Africa. Everyday is new.

Megan L:  Angst, Ups and downs, Fire and ice, Love of life, exploring passions, a community, a family, a unity, bone chilling experience only once lived, long days, smiles and laughter, crazy spontaneous people, TTS, 2012

Alexandra: Africa is... excitement, sweat, bug bites, safaris, animals, adventures, oceans, diving, children, tears, laughter, homesickness, and Sisterhood.

Lily: We have seen smiles, all “Lion King” characters, and cool turquoise swells. We have felt red dust, heat, and humidity. We have been challenged with the world as our playground # TIA.

1 comment:

MARY said...

Love getting the writing from the girls. Gives such a flavor of the experience!!