TTS20 on Safari

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who’s Who in the TTS Office?

We know that doing business electronically and on the phone can be confusing, especially if the people in your office have similar names like: Gennifre, Jennifer, Jim and Jen – yikes! So, now that the paperwork is finished, and before things get too far along and you’re embarrassed to ask who is who, we thought we might re-introduce ourselves (with photos) so you might know who you’re talking to or who to contact at TTS. Let’s  start with the administrative staff in Bozeman, MT.

Jennifer Royall: Jennifer is the Program Coordinator and Curriculum Director. She will be the primary parent and group contact once your daughters are overseas. Most of you have already spoken with Jennifer during the Parent Q & A or during the enrollment process. She has a weekly phone date scheduled with the Academic Program Director, Aunge Thomas, keeping her in regular contact with the group overseas.  Jennifer will oversee the TTS20 blog, send out mentor comments, and contact parents in the event there are any doctor visits or medical, academic, social or emotional concerns. Jennifer hopes to periodically check-in with each student’s parents by phone to see how everyone is faring as the semester progresses. Jennifer is readily accessible via email at, on the office phone or on her cell phone: 406-581-7479.

Gennifre Hartman: Gennifre is the Executive Director and Principal of The Traveling School; she has been the one answering most of your questions as you prepared your daughters for the semester in Africa and hosted the TTS20 Webinar. Gennifre was with the teachers in Washington, DC and so many of you met her there as well. She will be guiding the Parent and Friend Adventure to Rocktail Beach Camp, South Africa in November– we hope you can join her! And though she is transitioning out of the “go to” role for TTS20, she is always available to chat with you about your daughter and her experience in South-East Africa. She can be reached via email at and on the office phone or via her cell phone at: 406-579-3427.

Jim Hammer: Jim is TTS’s Vice-Principal and Admissions Director. Jim is the person in the Bozeman office if you have questions about academic credit, future semesters, SATs, or college planning. He registered all students for their TTS classes and will oversee any student course changes by contacting parents and home high school counselors for prior approval.  Jim also oversees midterm and final transcripts. Jim is available at the TTS office from 9am – 1pm M-F or via email at:

Price Klaas: Price is our Associate Director of Admissions and Business Manager. She has invoiced families for tuition and fees, and helped Jim monitor student paperwork during the enrollment process. She will continue to oversee tuition management during the semester. Direct any financial inquiries to Price at the TTS office or via email at .

If you’re not sure who to contact, please email:  or call our office phone: 406-586-3096 or our toll free number: 888-251-7387 to leave a message for any or all four of us.

TTS Administrative Team

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